Marian Kuffa, a charismatic parishpriest and a man of action, with “hischildren”– former convicts, the homeless anddrug addicts, has embarked on his mostdifficult mission. He has decided to help thepoorest Roma to survive cold and biting frostin their modest, hastily built dwellings. “Don'tlove people according to their merits butaccording to their needs,“ runs motto of Kuffa.He has been helping people living at thefringe of society for the past 20 years. Withformer convicts, the homeless and drugaddicts he built a new home for handicappedseniors, single mothers, battered children andformer prostitutes. They all passed throughhell and find a new hope. In their farm theyraise horses, grow grain, bake bread, makewooden toys; they mastered building trades.Former convicts and prostitutes are turninginto kind-hearted nurses able to return toordinary life. But not every story has a happyending. We trace the stories of Marian Kuffaand several main characters from the Romasettlements for over 3 years. A story ofcourage, power of humanity and love.