The story encompasses around ninecharacters portraying nine variants of emotion(Navarasa) and an outdated dam.The story startswith Vinay (Vinay Rai), who is a mariner andworks in ships. One day he visits his nativeplace, somewhere in Kerala, with his son Sam(Jineeth Rath) to meet his father Shankaran (RajitKapur). Shankaran is a village doctor or'Vaidyan' and is also a master in astrology andthe ancient sciences. Sam is a Diabetic andVinay wanted to have him treated by hisgrandfather. Another story line is that of theorphan Meera (Vimala Raman), who has beenstaying with Shankaran since her childhood,treated as his own daughter and who helps himtreat various patients. Vinay and Meera share aspecial bond and love each other. But whenShankaran studied their horoscopes, he learnedthat whenever they express their love towardseach other, something terrible would happen.