Taboo is the story of a 67 years oldIranian Landowner in North of Iran. In spite ofHaving 3 legal Wife He is pushing one of hisworkers -- who has a beautiful 24 years olddaughter, to force her daughter into marriagewith him, The girl is a student in a university inRasht (a city north of Iran ) and she is very activein Social Student Activities in the university , inthe same time she is in love with one of herclassmate who is elementary teacher in a villagenear to town, They compelled her to goes tomarriage ceremony but she escapes and goes tothe school that her lover is teaching , but hedoesn't keep her since all the students discovershe is there and send her to his small apartmentin the city who shares with two of his friends butthe apartment is not safe and he send her to adeserted Ship that one of his friend makesAlcohol and vin illegally there , but they are interrible , The man and the father find them forRevenge.